2021 Hng 8.0 Internship Goals And Anticipated Achievements.

This content includes an introduction of myself, my goals for this internship and my anticipated achievements by the end of the 8 weeks of this program.


My official name is Folasayo Samuel Olayemi, I am from Osun State Western part of Nigeria. I am an undergraduate student of Kwara State University, Malete. Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology (ICT). I am a Full-Stack web developer(MongoDB, Express.js, react.js, node.js & vanilla JS).

I applied for the client-side track (FRONTEND DEVELOPMENT) for this year's internship.

These are the required links to my accounts:

Figma email address:

Github: github.com/Folasayo-Samuel

Feel free to check out internship.zuri.team to enroll and find more info about the internship.


I set a lot of goals for my learning processes throughout this internship and after the internship which includes:

  1. Never seize learning: I always try in getting new knowledge everyday and better ways to give solutions to difficult tasks. Before the last stage of this internship, i want to learn more than what i've known and gain more knowledge on how to be a best developer. I love learning to get more knowledge. And always desire progress not perfection.

  2. Teamwork: I love working with people of the same mind as me. People that we can both work together, and grow together to achieve great things. Unity helps a lot. I come to realized that by putting into practice the scriptural word that says "Two heads are better than one." Working as a team, is by far better than working as an individual.

  3. Be part of the Finalist: I will be very glad if I find myself to be part of the HNG 8.0 finalist. Making it to the last stage is one of my goal. I pray that God Almighty will help in accomplishing that.

  4. Job Opportunity: I want a job offer immediately after this internship. Because, this has been one of my goals, and to build more on my career. This will really be a thing of joy if all my goals are accomplished.


At the end of the internship, I plan to acquire:

  1. Knowledge: I want to be very good in my stack(MongoDB, Express.js, react.js, node.js & vanilla JS).

  2. Develop more courage: I want to be more courageous, and smart at work.

  3. Assistance: I will love to get team to work with in unity and love to achieve a lot. And will also make sure to help beginners who want to make it in tech industry.


The following links are some beginner's understandable tutorials if you want to be a great web developer:

Figma Tutorial for Beginners: This Figma tutorial will be really helpful. It contains all you need to get started. Having an idea of design with web development is very advantageous as a frontend developer: butteracademy.com/figma-tutorial-beginners

Git Tutorial for Beginners: This git tutorial will take you through the git basics from installing git on your PC, setting up your git profile and creating your first commit on your git repository. Try to check it out: atlassian.com/git

HTML Tutorial for Beginners: This tutorial will teach you all you need to know about HTML as a beginner: w3schools.com/html

JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners: This JavaScript beginner's tutorial will help you get started on all you need as a beginner: w3schools.com/js

Node.js Tutorial for Beginners: This tutorial is perfectly organized. It contains every parts of Node.js for beginners: javatpoint.com/nodejs-tutorial

For more info. you can check: training.zuri.team

Thanks for reading to the end. God bless.